In a recent wedding ceremony in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, chaos erupted over missing chicken leg pieces in the biryani, leading to a violent clash between the groom's and bride's families. The incident was captured on video and quickly went viral on social media.

The footage shows guests engaging in a full-blown brawl, with people kicking, punching, and hurling chairs at one another. The conflict ignited when some members of the groom's party (baraatis) noticed the absence of chicken leg pieces in their biryani and voiced their displeasure. This objection rapidly escalated into a physical altercation, involving both families and even the groom himself.

As the situation intensified, members of the bride's family retaliated by attacking the groom's relatives and other baraatis. The tensions reached a peak, with the groom's family initially threatening to call off the wedding. However, after lengthy negotiations and considerable efforts to calm both sides, a compromise was reached, and the ceremony continued as planned.

The video of the altercation, posted on social media by user Raajeev Chopra (@Raajeev_Chopra) on June 24, 2024, quickly garnered attention, amassing over 13,000 views on platform X. One viewer commented, "True foodies," while another quipped, "Shaadi ho jaati but leg piece is important."

Despite the public spectacle and the severity of the brawl, no official police complaint has been filed. Local authorities have indicated they will investigate and take appropriate action if a formal complaint is submitted.