Hubballi: Acting on a tip-off, the CEN Crime Police Station in Hubballi, led by Inspector B. K. Patil, successfully conducted a swift operation near Desai Oni at Bankapur Chowk. The raid resulted in the arrest of two individuals, Jugaraj Jain and Kuldeep Singh, for the illegal possession and transportation of ganja (marijuana) intended for sale.

The arrested are Jugaraj Jain: A 52-year-old automobile salesman, residing at Kulkarni Galli, Yallapur Oni, near Prakash Cable Gudavana, Hubballi. And Kuldeep Singh: A 30-year-old automobile salesman, residing at Channamma Nilaya Building, Desai Oni, Hubballi.

During the operation, the police seized 1243 grams of ganja, valued at Rs. 1,24,300/-, along with two mobile phones from the accused. The duo reportedly admitted to purchasing the contraband from Mount Abu in Rajasthan.

A case has been registered at the Hubballi CEN Crime Police Station, and the investigation is currently ongoing. Authorities are continuing their search for another individual believed to be involved in the illicit trade who is currently absconding.

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