In a shocking incident that has sent ripples through the education community in Bihar, a nursery student, barely five years old, brought a handgun to school and fired at a classmate, injuring the older child. The alarming event unfolded in the Lalpatti area of Supaul district in north Bihar on Wednesday.
Superintendent of Police Shaishav Yadav reported that the young perpetrator, still in kindergarten, had concealed the firearm in his school bag. The victim, a 10-year-old student in Class 3 at the same private institution, suffered an arm injury when the gun was discharged.
"We're deeply concerned about how a child so young managed to access a firearm and bring it onto school premises undetected," SP Yadav stated. "Our immediate focus is on the well-being of the injured student, who has been promptly transported to a medical facility for treatment."
"This unfortunate event has understandably caused significant distress among parents and guardians," Yadav added. "We're issuing directives to all schools in the district to implement stringent bag-checking procedures on a daily basis to prevent any such occurrences in the future."