Bengaluru: A local court has decided to extend the judicial custody of Kannada actor Darshan, along with his associate Pavithra Gowda and 15 other individuals, in connection with the tragic murder of a fan. The custody extension, granted until July 18, was facilitated via a video conference linking the accused held at the Central Prison in Bengaluru and Tumakuru district prison.

The prosecution emphasized the serious nature of the offenses, including murder and evidence tampering, alleging that the accused had shown little regard for the law. They asserted that all involved had conspired with a shared intention to commit the crime, while also noting the destruction of physical, technical, and scientific evidence pivotal to the ongoing investigation.

Authorities disclosed that ₹83.65 in cash was seized from the accused, with the source of these funds yet to be determined. Additionally, mobile phones belonging to the accused have been sent to the Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Hyderabad for analysis, with results pending. Further steps include seizing DVRs and obtaining forensic reports, crucial for advancing the investigation.

The court was informed that the accused had contacted numerous individuals prior to the incident, potentially influencing witness statements. Concerns were raised about the accused exploiting their substantial fan base to intimidate witnesses, underscoring the necessity to secure witness testimonies under legal provisions. The prosecution argued against granting bail, citing fears that it could lead to systematic destruction of evidence.

Darshan, Pavithra Gowda, and the others were apprehended following the murder of Renukaswamy, a 33-year-old resident of Chitradurga and an ardent fan of Darshan. Allegedly, the victim had sent derogatory messages to Pavithra Gowda on social media, which reportedly triggered the tragic sequence of events. Renukaswamy was purportedly abducted, brought to Bengaluru, confined, and subjected to fatal torture.

The investigation into this grim incident continues, with authorities focused on uncovering the roles of all the accused and securing justice for the victim.