In a heartwarming tale of perseverance and success, a video capturing a vegetable vendor's emotional reaction to her son's remarkable achievement has taken social media by storm. The touching scene, which unfolds in Dombivli, Maharashtra, shows a mother's unbridled joy as she learns of her son Yogesh's success in the grueling Chartered Accountant (CA) exam.

The 45-second clip, shared by BJP Minister Ravindra Chavan on X, offers a glimpse into a moment of pure, unfiltered emotion. Yogesh, beaming with pride, approaches his mother at her humble vegetable stand to share the life-changing news. In an instant, the ordinary street corner transforms into a stage for an extraordinary celebration of love, sacrifice, and achievement.

As Yogesh reveals his achievement, his mother, identified as Thombre Maushi, envelops him in a tight embrace. Her tears of joy speak volumes, each droplet a testament to years of struggle, hope, and dedicated support. The sight of this hardworking mother, overwhelmed with emotion, has struck a chord with viewers across the nation.

Sharing the emotional video, Minister Chavan Wrote:

"We are proud of you, Yogesh. Yogesh, the son of Thombre Maushi who sells vegetables next to Girnar Sweet Shop in Gandhinagar, Dombivli (East), has become a Chartered Accountant. Yogesh faced challenges with determination, hard work, and effort to achieve this accomplishment. Thombre Maushi's eyes are moist with happiness. Each of her tears is worth lakhs. Yogesh, who passed such a difficult exam as CA, cannot be praised enough. We (I) in Dombivli are proud of Yogesh's achievement. Yogesh, many congratulations to you and best wishes for your future journey."