The Karnataka Assembly descended into chaos on Thursday as heated debates erupted over the Rs 187 crore scandal involving the Karnataka Maharshi Valmiki Scheduled Tribe Development Corporation. The session was abruptly adjourned as tensions flared.

BJP legislator Araga Jnanendra raised questions about why the name of former minister B. Nagendra, who has been arrested, was omitted from the official complaint. This omission was pointed out despite allegations from Kavitha, the widow of deceased accounts superintendent Chandrasekharan P.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah sharply responded, stating, "If you are wrong, we will take action against you as well." He also emphasized that Kavitha’s initial complaint had only named three individuals: MD JG Padmanabha, Accountant Parashuram Durgannanavar, and Chief General Manager Suchismita Rahul.

Jnanendra and fellow BJP MLA Arvind Bellad accused Kavitha of initially including the minister’s name in a complaint filed early on May 27, but then being coerced into submitting a revised complaint that left out this critical detail.

"You promised no protection for anyone, so why the protection for the former minister?" Jnanendra demanded, his voice cutting through the commotion in the assembly.

CM Siddaramaiah countered by accusing the BJP of creating confusion. "Are you disputing Kavitha’s complaint?" he questioned.

BJP MLA Basanagouda Patil Yatnal lashed out at the Chief Minister, accusing him of misleading the house and attempting to obscure the scam.

The situation intensified as opposition members flooded the well of the house, waving placards and posters. Amidst the uproar, Speaker UT Khader had no choice but to adjourn the proceedings until Friday morning.

The uproar follows the Enforcement Directorate’s arrest of Nagendra in connection with the alleged scandal. Nagendra, who resigned from his ministerial role following Chandrasekharan's suicide, is accused of being involved in the illegal diversion of Rs 187 crore from the Corporation’s funds.

Siddaramaiah defended the death note left by Chandrasekharan, which named Padmanabha, Durgannanavar, and Rahul, as crucial evidence. "We must accept the death note as fact – as Ashoka said," he reminded the assembly.

Recent ED raids at the homes of Nagendra and Basanagouda Daddal, the Corporation's Chairperson, reportedly uncovered documents implicating them in the financial misconduct. Additionally, associates closely connected to Nagendra have also been drawn into the scandal.