Bengaluru: A routine press briefing at Bengaluru's Gold Finch Hotel took an unexpected turn today when former Chief Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) leader HD Kumaraswamy experienced a sudden nosebleed. The incident occurred as Kumaraswamy was discussing the ongoing BJP-JDS padayatra, a joint political march undertaken by the two parties.
Eyewitnesses reported that the veteran politician was midway through his address when blood began trickling from his nose, staining his attire. The startling development promptly halted the media interaction, with concerned attendees rushing to the leader's aid.
Acting swiftly, Kumaraswamy's team arranged for immediate medical attention. The political figure was escorted to a nearby medical facility for urgent care and assessment. As of now, the specifics of his condition and the medical team's evaluation remain undisclosed.