RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das expressec concerned about banks. He says people are putting less money in bank deposits and more in other places like mutual funds and insurance. This is causing problems for banks.

Banks need deposits to give out loans. But now they're giving out more loans than they have deposits. To fix this, banks are borrowing money in other ways, which can be risky.

Das says banks need to find new ways to attract deposits and manage their money better. He also wants banks to be careful about giving loans and to price them correctly.

The governor talked about bank failures in other countries last year. He said it's important for banks to manage their money wisely and be prepared for changes in interest rates.

Das also mentioned that banks need to protect themselves from computer attacks. He wants banks to invest in good computer systems and improve how they manage these systems.

He's also worried about online fraud. He asks banks to be more careful when signing up new customers and watching for suspicious activities.

Das talked about banks outsourcing work and giving more unsecured loans (loans without collateral). He wants banks to be careful with these practices.

Lastly, Das said his relationship with the government has been good. He said the RBI doesn't need to be a "cheerleader" for the government. When asked if he'll continue as RBI governor, he said he's just focusing on his current job for now.