A young travel enthusiast, social media content creator, Aanvi Kamdar died while fiming Kumbhe waterfall in Raigad district on Wednesday. The-26-year old Aanvi liked to take pictures and videos for social media. She went to the waterfall with her friends to enjoy the rainy season. While trying to take pictures, she slipped and fell into a deep gorge which is about 350 feet deep.
When people heard about this, the police and rescue teams came to help. They found Aanvi still alive and took her to the hospital. But sadly, she died while the doctors were trying to save her.
The police chief, Somnath Gharge, said it was very hard to rescue Aanvi because big rocks were falling on them. At first, they thought she was dead, but then they saw she was breathing.
This wasn't the only sad thing that happened recently. On June 30, five people from one family died after falling into water near another waterfall in Pune.
Because of these sad events, Suhas Diwas, an important officer in Pune, asked people to be very careful. He said people should not go near waterfalls or streams, especially when it's raining. He wants everyone to be safe and careful when they go out to enjoy nature.