Mangaluru: Bollywood's famous actress Katrina Kaif, cricketer K.L. Rahul, and actor Sunil Shetty's family participated in the traditional "Harake Kola" ritual held on Sunday at the Kuttaru Koragajjana Katte in Mangaluru.
The names for the Kola ritual for nine people, including Katrina Kaif, Sunil Shetty's son Ahan Shetty, daughter Athiya Shetty, Matrix Entertainment's Reshma Shetty, Katrina's husband Vicky Kaushal, and V.M. Kamat, were registered two months ago. Everyone except Vicky Kaushal participated in the ritual.
As women are not allowed inside the shrine at night, Katrina, Athiya, and Reshma watched the ritual from outside the temple. Rahul and Ahan participated in the Kola.
The Bollywood family members had requested the temple administration not to disclose information to the media. They arrived at Kuttaru around 6 PM and left after the Kola was completed.
Before attending the Koragajjana Kola in Kuttaru, Team India player K.L. Rahul and his wife visited the Bappanadu Sri Durga Parameshwari Temple in the Mulki region of Mangalore. K.L. Rahul and his wife Athiya Shetty had darshan of the goddess and performed a special puja. On this occasion, the temple priest Gopalakrishna Upadhyaya offered special prayers to the deity and gave prasad.