HUBBALLI - In a groundbreaking initiative, the city of Hubballi has welcomed its first private Miyawaki forest, marking a significant step towards urban reforestation. The project, located within the Manoj Paradise residential complex, was completed through a collaborative effort between local environmentalists and a prominent political figure.

Congress leader Rajat Ullagaddimath, through his eponymous foundation, has fully funded this ecological endeavor, setting a remarkable example of private investment in public environmental welfare. The Rajat Ullagaddimath Foundation not only covered the entire cost of the project but has also committed to its ongoing maintenance.

The forest, created using the renowned Miyawaki method, boasts an impressive biodiversity with approximately 1,000 saplings representing 41 different local tree species. This method, known for its ability to create dense, fast-growing urban forests, was implemented by professional Miyawaki forest experts to ensure its success.

The Nature First Eco-Village and Nature Research Center team from Dharwad, who partnered in this project, praised the initiative. Sri Durga Developers and Promoters also joined their hands.  A spokesperson for the organization emphasized the crucial role of such urban forests in modern ecosystems, particularly in rapidly developing urban areas like Hubballi.

Local residents and environmental activists alike are eagerly watching this green space, hoping it will inspire similar initiatives throughout the region and beyond.