In a tragic incident in Surat's Sachin Pali village, a six-storey residential building crumbled to the ground following days of relentless rainfall, leaving an unknown number of people trapped beneath the rubble. Amidst the chaos, rescue teams managed to extract one woman alive, while 15 others sustained injuries in the collapse.

The scene at the disaster site was one of devastation, with massive chunks of concrete piled haphazardly where the eight-year-old structure once stood. At the time of the collapse, five families were reportedly inside the building, raising concerns about the potential number of individuals buried in the debris.

Responding swiftly to the emergency, local police and fire department personnel initiated a comprehensive search and rescue operation. Dramatic footage captured rescue workers navigating through the wreckage, desperately searching for signs of life. To bolster the rescue efforts, a specialized team from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) was summoned to the site.

Eyewitnesses recounted the terrifying moment when the building gave way, describing the ensuing pandemonium and their immediate efforts to assist those in peril. Despite its relatively recent construction, officials noted that the building was in a state of disrepair, with many apartments unoccupied.

Dr. Saurabh Parghi, the District Collector of Surat, provided an update on the situation, stating, "We've successfully rescued one woman. Based on her account, we believe four or five more individuals might be trapped inside. NDRF and SDRF teams are currently engaged in the rescue operation. We're optimistic about extracting the remaining survivors within the next few hours."

Echoing this sentiment, Surat's Police Commissioner Anupam Singh Gehlot expressed confidence in the ongoing rescue efforts. "We can hear voices coming from within the debris. We anticipate completing the rescue operation within the next couple of hours," he assured.

As night falls on Surat, the race against time continues, with rescue teams working tirelessly to locate and save those still trapped beneath the collapsed structure. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers posed by compromised buildings, especially during periods of extreme weather.