Hubballi: In response to public complaints about disturbances, Hubballi city police launched an operation this evening in the Old Hubballi police station limits. The operation, aimed at ensuring public safety and order, led to the detention of 33 rowdy-sheeters, 17 old modus operandi (MO) criminals, and 5 former marijuana sellers. Authorities are reviewing their past and present activities and behavior to take appropriate legal action.

Furthermore, the police apprehended 24 individuals for publicly consuming alcohol in new layouts and on the streets. Legal proceedings will be initiated against all of them.

The operation was conducted under the orders of Police Commissioner Mr. Shashikumar IPS, with the active participation of DCP (Crime), DCP (Law & Order), the Hubballi Central Crime Branch (CCB), and officers and staff from the South Sub-Division. The police have assured that similar operations will be carried out regularly to maintain public order and safety.